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2nd seminar on LLG for job-seekers „Lifelong Guidance for jobseekers: development of guidelines to harmonize career guidance and pathway guidance”Print


’LLG for job-seekers’ PROGRESS project 2008[1]

2nd peer-review meeting




BUDAPEST, 16-17th June 2008 (MO, TUE)

Venue: Foglalkoztatási és Szociális Hivatal[2], Budapest 1089, Szeszgyár u. 4. II. floor



16th June 2008 (MO)


9:30 - 9:45 opening Mr.Géza Kovács head of the international dept, NESO

9:45- 10:15 Guidance effectiveness Mr.István Kiss, U. of ELTE, Dept. of Counselling Psychology  

10:15- 11:00 Introduction of the Hungarian “” on-line guidance portal Mrs. Mária Kukla  ( – ‘An interactive demonstration’


11:00-11:15 coffee break


11:15- 12:30 different approaches: self-service and face-to- face services roundtable discussion (project partners: AFSZ, UPSVAR- FOREM- VDAB)


12:30 – 13:30 Lunch in the NESO’s canteen


14:15-17:00 field work experiences, study visit at Central Hungarian Regional Employment Centre, Budapest (BIZ; Job-seekers’ Club; trained employment counsellors)

11th district, Budapest, Karinthy F. u. 3.  (final stop of the tram No. 6)


19:00 Dinner in a restaurant


17th June 2008 (TUE)


9:00- 9:05 opening of the second day Mr.Géza Kovács head of the international dept.

9:05- 9:30 Career guidance in Europe’s PES (by Sultana & Watts 2005 DG. Empl.) -  Guidance in the Hungarian PES trends in the EU: Built up an LLG system for all - possible roles of the PES Mr. Tibor Bors Borbely

9:30-  10:15 Q&A

10:15- 10:30 coffee break

10:30-11:00 My professional work as a trained employment counselor in Hungary (3 ys. BA) Mrs. Ildikó Fehér

11:10- 12:30 round table discussion on the guidance definitions(at international and national level) with invited guest from the front-line practice and from universities. (Definitions will be gathered from national levels as well as from the CEDEFOP, OECD, UNESCO) – the four project partners and two external experts from Hungarian universities 

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch in the NESO’s canteen

13:30-15:45 Further steps for the project (next meetings hosted by UPSVAR, FOREM, final outputs of the one year work)


15:45 – 16:00 Closing remarks


*Simultaneous translation will be providing from Hungarian, French and English during some parts of the two days.

** EURES and EuroGuidanceNetwork Hungary will be invited to the two days seminar.


Places of the venue


1089 BUDAPEST, Szeszgyár u. 4. II. Floor – NESO, (PES head office)



District 11, BUDAPEST, Karinthy F. u. 3.  (field study visit)




[1] For more information:

[2] NESO: National Employment and Social Office